New Radio Amateurs In 2015
Finalized List of New Radio Amateurs In 2015
Bill Moss Basic with Honors VE3WMZ
Chester Kubis Basic VA3CKE
Giselle Chikoski Basic VE3GME
Gerald Guzzo Basic with Honors VA3WZT
Vanessa Lefebvre Basic with Honors VE3VAO
and VA3VAO
George Federley Basic with Honours VA3FGA
Mike Sacchetta Basic VE3VZZ
Joseph Grasley Basic with Honours VE3BWF
Matthew Dunlop Basic with Honours VE3BRD
Ian Dunlop Basic with Honours VA3IJD
Michelle Wasylewick Basic with Honours VA3YAY
Randy Warren Basic with Honours VE3AUC
The last four individuals took course in January of 2015
Michelle Wasylewick and Randy Warren are Red Cross Volunteers.